A downloadable game


After the world has been ravaged by an artificial apocalypse, humanity is in a rush to find a new safe place, to live a peaceful life. The small islands around the globe, being the least affected have become the safe havens that everyone seeks out. Hydra's Rock, a popular tourist island off the coast of the United Kingdom, has become particularly well known and popular spot for survivors to scatter to.

However this island isnt as safe as it seems. Civil war has left the island in a state of unease and distracted. Leaving them unaware of the apocalypse creeping in. Threatning the end of the Salvation Island.

You are a new arrival to the island, an ex military officer trying to find a safe place to settle down. You must navigate the conflict, calming both sides getting them to see reason while investigating the recent attacks and disapearances.

Salvation island is an open-world, third-person, action, adventure game set on an isolated island. Fight enemies with different guns fighting a variety of enemies in a third-person shooter format. Progress the story and take on unique bosses, each with a weakness to discover.

Complete main and side quests to level up your character to progress through a skill tree of your choice. Choose your focus on combat, movement, health or stealth to tailor your playstyle to your liking. Unlock special abilities to enhance your potential to defeat enemies with ease.

This game is a solo development project so development will be slow.

Currently this game only has open world movement and is far away from the described game but is one of the many games currently being developed. The majority of the game seen in the video will be hanged, incuding graphics, world, mechanics etc.

The game is currently unavailable until the game is in a playable state that would be fun.